In the 2023 movie "Oppenheimer", renowned physicist and "father of the atomic bomb", Robert J. Oppenheimer, participated in an administrative hearing in 1954 before the Atomic Energy Commission in an effort to retain his security clearance. During the course of the hearing and in the movie which portrays the events of the hearing (in a rather shocking way!), Oppenheimer admits that he "spent the night" with psychiatrist Jean Tatlock whom he met while he was teaching at the University of California, Berkeley, in the 1930s. Why was this an issue in a hearing about a security clearance? Because Ms. Tatlock was a member of the Communist Party! Why was this an issue for Oppenheimer's wife? Because Oppenheimer married Katherine ("Kitty") Puening in November of 1940 and Oppenheimer admits spending the night with Jean Tatlock in 1943! Well after Kitty and Oppenheimer married! Assuming Virginia law applied at the time, Kitty could not have filed suit for divorce on the basis of adultery because there is five-year statute of limitations for adultery actions! Oppenheimer's disclosure occurred in 1954, approximately 11 years after he stayed overnight with Ms. Tatlock.
-Rob Hagy. If you have questions about adultery, please call us at (434) 293-4562 or visit us at